Marvel Studios
...Blew Everything Out of The Water
This week Marvel
Studios dropped a bomb on the world. Even before I could get to providing my
own breakdown of events on Age of Ultron-after that amazing trailer released-,
they provide us with news on coming attractions for the third phase of their
epic cinematic universe.
Marvel has taken the
world by storm since 2008 and they will continue to do so for a long time, even
though the Comic Book Movie bubble might burst.
So I've decided,
when I fell like getting of my ass I will decode each of these announced movies
and what they'll mean for the MCU going forward. Of course, this is beginning
with The Avengers: Age of Ultron.
That is if I get of
my lazy ass. Till then enjoy these title cards from the next set of MCU movies
including the new phase. (They will be linked later with the breakdown posts,
once again if I make them)

The Sequel to The third highest grossing film of all time; The Avengers
Ant-Man has been announced as the film capping off Phase 2, rather than starting Phase 3. This means there's going to be a lot of repercussions from the second Avengers to be dealt with

Iron Man vs. Captain America. This one's going to be a big one and a Cap movie will once again bring change to the MCU.

The first new hero for Phase 3 and one that blows the door wide open for the mystic in Marvel. Biggest Question; Will Sherlock star Benedict Cumberbatch sign on as the titular character?

With a changed date, the newest anti-heroes on the block return. Are the Guardians set to take Thanos or will Peter find his father.

As Norse mythology points it out; Ragnarok is the end of times. Thor and Loki's last stand has come, will we see Hemsworth and Hiddleston ever again in the MCU?

The first minority character for Marvel in a solo film, appearing years before DC's own Cyborg. Let's hope Marvel does justice to the King Batman of Marvel. With the charismatic Chadwick Boseman set to play the role, there's no worries.

Marvel's first female solo film, and one that heads off in space. Whose going to play the character is the first big question?

The X-Men of the Marvel universe. Hints of their arrival have been iminent from long, from Quicksilver to Scarlet Witch and Skye of Agents of SHIELD. Not to mention Vin Diesel lobbying for the title role of Black Bolt, after already stealing our hearts as Groot.

The two part finale to the battle against Thanos. The first will be before the aforementioned two films, the other after.There are a lot of questions, will this be the end of the MCU altogether? I hope not. Will all the original Avengers reunite? I hope so. Will this be the anticipated crossover between Avengers, Guardians and Inhumans? With two parts, I'd bet my life it is.
Once again let's hope I can get of my ass to breakdown each of these. Still it will take time.
'Nuff Said
Aneesh Raikundalia