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Saturday 4 October 2014

Wham! Bam! Pow! Comic Book Movie Awards 2014 Part 2

Wham! Bam! Pow!

Comic Book Movie Awards 2014

Welcome Back!

In a year, not only are there comic book movies released to big fanfare, but there are also many interesting movies set towards appealing to the masses through the geek culture they've caught fire from. 

Such films are what the next award is about. The funny thing about this years entries are, that the geek movies haven't got as much traction as they should have considering how awesome they were. So remember these five movies will be contending in major Underdog Award categories, that's a guarantee. 

*Note: From now on the awards sections will have a nomination video, only the winner will get a description as to why they won (me and my laziness)*

And the winner is...

With themes of family, nature vs. nurture and ideologies about humanity. This sci-fi sequel to a prequel, has become the second best film of the whole franchise.

Dawn goes deep into capturing what makes the Planet of the Apes series compelling; the Apes and the main human at its core. In this case that human or humanity is Caesar, the leader of the Apes. The characters struggle to keep everyone together in peace and prove his leadership forms a powerful arc for the film, and is reminiscent of the kind of resolve and fortitude Mahatma Gandhi had.

At the head of this all is a scintillating cast bolstered by the leadership of one Andy Serkis. Seriously Academy give this man an Oscar already. 

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