The Essential
Tom Hardy Collection
In honor of Tom Hardy's 39th Birthday, I've decided to open up with a terrific list of performances that signify the abilities of one of modern day cinemas great thespians and whom many have primed/championed as a successor to the crown held by none other than Marlon Brando.
Tom Hardy has been one of my favourite actors ever since he came into the limelight with his stellar show stealing turn in Christopher Nolan's Inception. He has since gone on to star in many terrific blockbusters, art house and independent fare as well as Oscar stalwarts.
It's always hard to truly peg what is Tom Hardy's finest performance as he constantly evolves and impresses in works of a myriad genre and theme.
So here's to Tom Hardy!
But first some honourable mentions;
Black Hawk Down/Band of Brothers: Both war film and television show saw Hardy in small roles in films that featured a ton of up and coming actors. Nothing to write home about, but these are the roles that one can say; "Hey I'd seen Tom Hardy before I knew Tom Hardy."
Star Trek: Nemesis: Yes, Hardy was a part of Star Trek. The much maligned final film in the New Generation canon saw Hardy play an evil clone of Captain John Luc Picard [Patrick Stewart] in a role that is raw and frankly boring...but it's a good look see into where everyone got their starts.
Layer Cake/RockNRolla: As Clarkie and Handsome Bob in two supporting roles in frankly similar films [after all directed by Matthew Vaughn and Guy Ritchie], Hardy proved to be an entertaining addition to the ensemble and gave audiences as well as filmmakers the first signs of a potential top class actor.
Now here goes...