Tintin's Top Ten Five
Race to the Throne
"There's a beast in every man, and it stirs when you put a sword its hand."-Ser Jorah Mormont (Game of Thrones Season 3)
The third season to the fan-favorite HBO series begins soon and it will be a time to witness who grows closer to claiming the Iron Throne. The season follows the first half of the third book of the Fire and Ice series; A Storm of Swords. Unfortunately for me, this is the last of the books I have read. Still I expect ton of surprises and a few changes in the adaptation. Don't worry though, I am writing this article from the perspective
of having only seen two seasons so there will be no spoilers. One of
the best things is that the race to the throne continues and with author
George R.R. Martin still writing the final two volumes, there is a lot to go through to find the right King among the Seven Kingdoms.
Here before you is the possible five candidates (unfortunately there aren't ten kings vying for the throne) looking to seize the Iron throne. Since I have five, I will also include a list of potential outsiders who could nab the crown and those that are definitely not in the running. Enjoy!!!
1. King Joffrey On The Iron Throne
House: Baratheon/Lannister (Baratheon by name, Lannister by blood)
Sigil: Lion
Titles: King of The Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of The Realm
Origin: Kings Landing
Advisers: Cersei Lannister, Varys, Peter Bailish, Tywin Lannister (The Hand)
Best Victory: In season 2, with his uncle Tyrion's leadership and grandfather Tywin's untimely arrival. The Lannisters won a victory over Stannis Baratheon, the rightful heir to the throne.
Worst Loss: Joffrey runs away from the Battle of Blackwater only to resurface after victory. His viciousness and stupidity as a ruler causes hatred for him among the capital, including throwing feces on him once during a riot. Although not discussed among themselves, his council even his own mother is sure to be troubled by his incompetent rule.
Biggest Block: Himself. His way of ruling is pathetic, even though he has shown to be knowledgeable feudal system he lack in its department of military experience. He is just a cruel boy looking to play with his toys (the kingdom).
Joffrey no matter how useless, currently sits on the Iron Throne. This in turn puts him number one in the rankings, also it doesn't hurt to have just won a battle against the closest man to claiming the throne. Sure he didn't fight in the Battle but with Joffrey up on the throne and his surprisingly first generous turn, in naming Tywin Lannister 'Savior of the City'.
The only question is; How long can he stay King when everyone wants him dead?
2. Daenerys Stormborn The Mother of Dragons
Actor: Emilia Clarke
House: Targaryen
Sigil: Dragon
Titles: Khaleesi and Queen Across the Sea
Origin: Dragonstone
Advisers: Ser Jorah Mormont (Queen's Guard)
Best Victory: In Season 1, the birth of her three dragons and in season 2 their growth. She has a power house force with her to reclaim the throne.
Worst Loss: Naturally the loss of her husband Khal Drogo and her unborn son. Even then these two losses were the catalyst for her turn as a stronger ruler in Season 2.
Biggest Block: The road ahead is still tough. She might have to contend with multiple Khalasar and trying to navigate the East so as she can reach the capital.
3. Robb Stark The King in The North
House: Stark
Sigil: Dire Wolf
Titles: The Lord of Winterfell
Origin: Winterfell
Advisers: Catelyn Stark, Gretjon Umber, Ser Rodrik Cassel, Roose Bolton
Best Victory: He has been constantly creating dents on the Lannisters through the end of Season 1 and Season 2. One such dent is the capture of Ser Jamie Lannister.
Worst Loss: A tie between the fact that his sister Sansa Stark is captive with the Lannisters and that he let Jamie Lannister escape (although that is his mothers fault)
Biggest Block: He has married Talisa Maegyr, breaking his oath to the wily Lord Frey (He promised to marry Frey's daughter in favor of his allegiance). Non-book readers can guess that Robb will have to pay for this in some form or another.
Robb might be winning wars, but he surely has left himself in a precarious position. His marriage to Talisa (in the book he marries a Jeyne Westerling) means that he has broken the oath made to Lord Frey and that will surely come back to bite him.
Side by side with his victories, it shows that Robb is a good leader in battle but has no sense on politics of the kingdom. A trait he shares with his late father, Eddard Stark. He has also inherited his fathers sense of honor, thus his victories mean that his prisons are overflowing. On the other hand his mother has released Ser Jamie Lannister (under Brienne of Tarth) in exchange for her daughters. This raises the ire of his banner-man and weakens his hold among his army. Both on the good and bad, but tilting towards doom, Robb better be careful come the third season.
4. Mance Rayder The King Beyond The Wall
Allegiance: The Free Folk
Sigil: None
Titles: The King Beyond The Wall
Origin: Unspecified
Advisers: None
Best Victory: Unspecified
Worst Loss: Wildlings are deserting the harsh frosted lands to go south, they fear the dreaded white walkers.
Biggest Block: The White walkers hinder everything for Mance Rayder, he wouldn't even be part of this Game of Thrones if they were not coming back. He also has to escape the harsh winter and in his path are his former brothers of the black; The Nights Watch.
A man that might just want to rule out of fear. Mance Rayder is marching south like his deserter wild-lings (but with all the free folk) in order to escape the wrath of the coming White Walkers. We saw the creatures last upon the fist of the first men and now Jon Snow (under cover) joins Mance in his quest. While it is unclear whether Mance will contest for the throne, you can put him in there as the man looking for unity among the Kingdoms in facing the threat together. He sure isn't going to find unity and maybe that prompts him to claim the title of kingship both outside and now inside the wall. He did say that he's going to light the biggest fire the North has ever seen.
5. Stannis Baratheon Rightful King of The Narrow Seas
House: Baratheon
Sigil: Stag on Fire
Titles: Warrior of
Light, The Lords Chosen and Son of Fire
Origins: Storm's End
Advisers: Ser Davos
Seaworth (The Hand), Priestess Melisandre
Best Victory: The
"mysterious" death of his brother Renly, meant that Renly's troops
and banner-men joined his side thus doubling his army and fortifying his
Worst Loss: He lost
the 'Battle of Blackwater'. There was heavy damage on his side and as of yet it
is unclear whether his consolidator Davos is alive or not. As promised I will
keep mum on that situation.
Biggest Block: His
big loss means low morale for his troops and possible hesitance of the
bannermen in supporting him. It doesn't help that the Tyrells (who unlike the
other supporter of Renly) did not join him. Rather they were one-half of the
factor that saved a nearly besieged Kings Landing.
The man with the
greatest claim went on to be inflicted the biggest loss. Stannis was utterly
defeated during the 'Battle of Blackwater'. He might have lost his hand and war
leader, he currently is in mistrust over Melisandre although he did see
something in the fires light.
Stannis also seems
to be dealing with the moral effect of having killed his own brother. His
musings were cut short by Melisandre, but there was a hint that the murder
would affect him during the course of his battle for the throne. All I can say
is, Stannis is in for one hell of a ride and a tough comeback.
Dark Horse
Cersei Lannister
Okay, so her son is
King, but he barely listens to any advise from his mother. Cersei expected
herself to rule the kingdom under the guise of Joffrey. If perhaps Joffrey were
to die, then Tommen would come onto the throne. Leaving the Kingdom more vulnerable
from outside threats, but putting Cersei in the ruling position (as Tommen
unlike his brother can be subdued).
Peter Bailish
Here me out. He's
got his own sigil made and keeps on constantly flirting with princesses. He
tries in vain to save and maybe earn gratitude from Sansa, indicates a certain
interest in Margery. If Robb were to die, Sansa would come to being Lord of
Winterfell. Margery is the princess of House Tyrell and thus holds a strong
position. None though are in his line of sight, so this is redundant. But what
if it isn't? Bailish is a shrewd character and a real strong player of this
game. Definitely he is out for more.
The Greyjoys
Balon, Yana (or
Asha) and Theon. The Greyjoys are moving fast and hard across the North. Even
though they've lost Winterfell to Bolton's bastard.
Jamie Lannister
The Kingslayer
becomes King? I know I said no spoiler but...you hate him! I know you do. So
let me make it clear, through Seasons 3 and 4, Jamie is possibly going to
become one of the fan-favorite (if not most favorite) characters out there. If
you like the bad man already, then well and good. But eventually each viewer is
going to see the man in a new light. Books fans are already clamoring to
see him as King.
Jon Snow
When Daenerys enters
the House of undying, she has a vision of the Throne. This throne room is
wrecked, possibly an allusion to the on-going wars. There is snowfall
everywhere (see Snow) and she can't get the throne because the call of her
dragons takes her back. Theories have laid out, that maybe Daenerys lets the
throne go the Jon in favor of needing to save her dragons (who are in trouble
elsewhere). Or maybe the throne room is wrecked and full of snow, because...
Just imagine fantasy
zombies ruling the kingdom day to day. Hilarious!!!
Out or not even in
the race:
Like Bailish he is
cunning, unlike him; he has never had interests in the throne.
Tyrion Lannister
Even though he
hasn't clearly stated it like Varys, Tyrion loves the game more and knows that
the throne would prevent him from it.
'Nuff Said
Aneesh Raikundalia
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