Tintin's Top Ten
Comic Previews of The Week
Welcome back readers. Today is my first Top ten countdown. To explain, every week I will have two top ten countdowns, the first will involve the top ten comics of the week that I cannot wait to read. The other top ten countdown will pertain to a topic regarding Movies, TV shows, Comics or Sports that will be chosen by me or you my loyal and faithful nerds. If you wish to see my top ten on one of your topics you can simply comment on this post or e-mail me at theavengersassemble@gmail.com or post your request on my wall.
So let's get on with this weeks top ten comics that I cannot wait for:
10. Secret Avengers 35 writer: Rick Remender, art: Matthew Scalera
The revolution of the robots continues and the Secret Avengers are thinned down, how will Venom,Valkyrie and Torch handle the job. Plus Human Torch must decide whether he fights among his fellow Avengers or joins the automatons revolution for the perfect future. While I haven't yet gotten this far into Secret Avengers, I collect this comic in advance for one sole reason; Rick Remender. His Uncanny X-force has blown me away and therefore by default Secret Avengers takes a spot in this list.
9. Daredevil 21 writer: Mark Waid, art: Chris Samnee
Mark Waid's Eisner Award Wining series continues as the overeaching puzzle takes its conclusive turn as Daredevil collides with the Spot/Coyote. It has been a wild ride, who knew a happy Matt Murdock could actually be a good read and after 21 issues I can gladly say that Mark Waid if able to continue for another few years (with having nearly completed one and a half years) could reach the level of Frank Miller and Brian Michael Bendis runs on Daredevil. I love such books while continuing issue after issue brought together reveal a complete and bigger picture.
8. Journey Into Mystery 647 writer: Kathryn Immonen, art: Valerio Schiti
Sif continues onwards as the title character of JIM. After Kieron Gillen's classic run following a De-aged Loki, I was sad to see Kid-Loki replaced by Sif and felt the comic would not go far. I am happy to say I was proven wrong as Kathryn Immonen began her run on fire, she really get's Sif as the toughest Asgardian (yes even more so than Thor!!!). Her humor is sensational and with this issue I hope to see more of it. This issue promises to be enticing with a war and blood hunting Sif and according to the cover a spicy collision with her big brother Heimdall.
7. FF 2 writer: Matt Fraction, art: Michael Allred
While I have no idea about the plot details much apart from the fact that the new Fantastic Four team of Ant-man, She-Hulk, Medusa and Ms. Thing have been established for four minutes. The art is what I am excited about, Mike Allred's Cartoon yet sophisticated style always excites me. The last issue had amazing art and it's fun to have him back on an ongoing series after his doop one-shot in Wolverine and X-men and his last ongoing Marvel book X-statix. With Ant-man (Scott Lang's) current despair at the hands of Dr. Doom it will be also fun to see how and when in this issue the nefarious villain features, if at all (please Fraction make this happen!!!).
6. Thor: God of Thunder 3 writer:Jason Aaron, art: Esad Ribic
It's the concept of this arc that gets to me, spawning a saga around three different Thor's and their war against the indomitable and fearsome God Butcher had piqued my interest with it's announcement. While issue one was underwhelming it was at least not scattered even with it's time hopping, issue two also delivered with a much more focused tale on the younger arrogant Thor. It will be fun to see where Aaron takes this arc and his run as a whole. Esad Ribic's art has been a phenomenal aspect of this series, his painted art style suits not only Thor due to it's viking and god mythology but brings the sheen that will be needed when hopefully Aaron brings in other-world pantheons of gods. Even I am unsure as to why I have ranked this issue low, maybe because I have high expectations for a Thor comic being a big fan.
5. Indestructible Hulk 2 writer: Mark Waid, art: Leinil Yu
It was exciting to finally see Bruce Banner accept Hulk and concentrate on becoming a much better scientist in his field so as he could rival his counter-parts in Tony Stark and Reed Richards. Mark Waid like with Daredevil deconstructs Hulk and gives him an ironic situation to be in. Where Daredevil is happy rather than sad in early issues Hulk is working for SHIELD rather than being chased by them. Fans of the Bruce Banner and Tony Stark companionship from the Avengers will love to see a different side within the book as Hulk and Iron Man face-off. This might also implement a longer narrative thread with Bruce Banner already revealing his jealousy of Tony Stark, and maybe channeling this through Hulk. A bonus is Leinil Yu's stunnig artwork especially in the action sequences.
4. Avengers 2 writer: Jonathan Hickman, art: Jerome Opena
The grandiose spectacle of the Avengers movie gets transferred back to the comics page, fans of the movie will find a familiar starting point with a movie based Avengers team. Having been trapped on Mars, Captain America being the only one sent back by the antagonists as a warning begins to open doors to a larger and global even interplanetary team of Avengers. The scope is huge and while the first issue at times felt underwhelming, the cinematic feel of Opena's art as well as Jonathan Hickman's inspiring dialogue including the last bit from the first issue entices me to continue onwards. Hopefully the premiere Marvel team book with twice a month shipping excels after a polarizing run from Brian Michael Bendis.
3. Wonder Woman 15 writer: Brian Azzarello, art: Cliff Chiang
Even with their multiple books centered around female characters that are critically acclaimed, Marvel is unable top top DC's New 52 Wonder Woman. This is a massive compliment to the character's iconic popularity and Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang's amazing work but also an insult to DC's lack of enthusiasm in doing the same for their other female characters. The use of the Greek God Pantheon has been exciting and now with the coming of New God Orion, it will be fun to see where Wonder Woman goes in it's second year.
2. All New X-men 4 writer: Brian Michael Bendis, art: Stuart Immonen
Bendis continues the slow burning but sizzling new x-men book, the last issue ended with the most awaited cliffhanger as present day pro-mutant Revolutionary Cyclops came face to face with the time displaced original X-men especially his idealistic Xavier's dream driven Cyclops. It will be epic to not only see their fight but a heavy dialogue on their differences. My support is fully towards the new Scott Summers who I believe is justified in his role, I hope to see a variation of this dialogue I thought of after the announcment of this series; older Scott to his younger self "When you have suffered and seen as much as I have. I promise you, that you will come back to this time and say that Cyclops Was Right!!!". Also to note will be the current situation regarding the New X-men Revolutions power fluctuations, hopefully build towards an exciting reboot of the Uncanny X-men title.
1. Hawkeye 6 (tie) writer: Matt Fraction, artist: David Aja
Art!Art! and Art!Has been the draw of the most critically acclaimed series of the year. It is a testimony to the amazing art by David Aja with it's simplicity and the basic color palette especially on the cover implemented by David Aja and Matt Hollingsworth. The story by Matt Fraction cannot be forgotten. After the tape conclusion it's interesting to see where he takes Hawkeye next. Here's to hoping that with the popularity of this book, a wider audience gets a similar characterization on the big screen through Jeremy Renner.
1. Uncanny X-force 35 (tie) writer: Rick Remender, artist: Phil Noto
I know, putting two number ones in my first top ten is a cheat but i could not help it. While the first is the best comic of 2012, this issue brings a close to Rick Remender's seminal run. It will be sad to see Uncanny X-Force ending as it has been a personal favorite due in part to an exciting team of characters from Archangel to Deadpool and Psylocke to Wolverine. What devastation will result in the wake of the final execution excites me and the art looks beautiful. Rick Remender leaving this series will be as tearful as Ed Brubaker's Captain America swansong a few months back.
Well that's my top ten comics of the week, a few other suggestion would be Saga 8, Captain America 2 and Green Lantern 15. For more previews check out the iFanboy Comics page. Also don't miss my second top ten list of the week pertaining to the end of the world: The Top Ten Best Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic Movies.
'Nuff Said
Aneesh Raikundalia
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